
University of Rochester Essay

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It has always been my most ardent desire to attend the University of Rochester. Imagine then, my distress when I applied last year, but my application could not be reviewed due to one late reference letter. Rochester stresses the meliora experience: making life better. After the letdown of not being considered for matriculation the first time I applied, I vowed to use the word “meliora” to better my situation and reapply at the appropriate time. That time is now.

When I was in middle school, one of my favorite teachers asked me what I wanted to do in the future. My only thought then was that I wanted to be the best. That has not changed because I still desire to be the best, and I know that the only way to do that is to try to improve my life on a daily basis. It was years later before I logged onto the Rochester website and saw the name for what I was striving everyday to do: be better.

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Rochester demands improvement, not excuses, and I feel drawn to this concept and challenge. I am not trying to use the excuse of a late reference letter submission for not being considered for admittance to this august university. Instead, I look at this as a learning opportunity. I learned from that experience to be more organized and give my references plenty of time to complete their letters. More importantly, I learned that when one makes a mistake, the only thing to do is to learn from that mistake and then move confidently and boldly forward to improve my life.

I came to this country three years ago and had no understanding of the American culture. I had difficulty communicating with my teachers and peers because I could not speak or understand English. I had to enroll in English as a Second Language (ESL) classes while taking college level classes at the same time. It was extremely difficult and posed many obstacles for me, but I persevered. I was able to manage it very well, and at the end of this this semester I will have an associate degree in Electrical Engineering. I consider this degree to be a start on my road to continuing to improve my life. Rochester will help meliorate my writing skills, my problem solving skills, and also my leadership skills. I know Rochester will be more challenging, but if I want to be the best that I can be, then I need to make a great effort.

Meliora is more than a motto. It has become my mantra and my way of life. I wanted to be considered for matriculation to the University of Rochester the last time I applied, and I still want to be considered. Learning at Rochester will help me to meliorate my life in such ways that I will become a better person and a contributing global citizen.

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