
Why I Would Like To Attend University Of Texas

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My career goal is to be a professional and a leader in the field of International Business. Towards this goal, I seek to pursue a degree program in International Business. Acquiring an education from a reputed institution will equip me with the information, knowledge and credentials that I need to excel in my career choice especially at the international level.

I believe that International Business expertise is an important need for this century. Businesses are being carried out within international contexts as a result of globalization. It is therefore, important to understand the structure of international business, the factors that influence its operation, and have the information and skills to effectively navigate those forces to operate a successful international business. It is very important to understand such key concepts as multinational marketing, international business development strategies, international corporate finance, international business ethics, as well as the law and policies that apply in international business.

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The University of Texas is a highly reputable institution with an outstanding faculty and culture. I believe that this institution can equip me with the education and credentialing I need to become a professional in International Business. The university runs some of the top undergraduate programs in Business in the country; its stated mission of providing intellectual challenge, international experience, real-world experiences and professional development make it a very important place to attain the best education in the field. The University’s International Business program is described as being designed to provide a solid business education base and focused understanding of the international business dimensions. I am particularly interested in the program’s direct overseas and regional expertise program; it would enable me apply my learnings directly to my region of interest. Furthermore, attending University of Texas will enable me to become a part of a network that will be very important for professional support and knowledge sharing. I believe that professional networks are an important resource that can strengthen and deepen professional expertise.

My experiences and extracurricular engagements have provided me with a range of skills and insights which I can apply towards my studies, and to life within the academic community, to assure successful completion of my program of choice. I have a strong interest in business and recently opened a startup along with my sisters. I was an election campaign manager for a senator in India (my father) and gained important experience for issue-based advocacy and marketing. I was the captain of my school cricket team; I have good leadership skills and I am goal oriented. I know that multicultural exposure and skills are critical towards successful participation in a diverse academic community like the University of Texas. I have held leadership positions and volunteer roles in an international student organization.
Furthermore, studying at this University will enable me build on prior academic knowledge such as international relations, business statistics and management.

My family provides the inspiration for me to work hard and achieve success in life; I come from a family of high achievers who made names for themselves in their respective fields, and I would like to do the same. I believe that acquiring an education at the University of Texas can make provide me with the knowledge, skills and resources I need to achieve success in my career choice, and be able to contribute to the well-being of my family, the people in my community, as well as the entire region.

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