
Positive Change in School

304 words | 2 page(s)

For most of its history, our education system has taken a standardized approach to educating students. This approach assumes that all students have more or less similar learning styles and backgrounds. While this system is indeed efficient, it yields poor results in the long term in my opinion. Fortunately, our understanding of what works and what doesn’t work in educational setting has significantly improved over the last few decades and in addition, technology has also progressed significantly, providing new tools to teachers.

These trends as well as my personal convictions mean I will reduce the emphasis on standardized teaching methods and will also take measures to reduce the emphasis on standardized testing programs. I believe standardized testing programs put too much focus on achieving goals and do little to actually enhance the learning of the students. Standardized testing programs also ignore the differences in students’ economic backgrounds and other unique circumstances. My approach to education will also draw inspiration from Finnish education system which especially focuses on students who may be struggling or come from poor economic backgrounds. Unlike the U.S., the Finnish education system actually provides more resources to struggling schools than rewarding top-performing schools. In addition, Finnish education system also provides more prestige and economic benefits to teachers (Tung), thus, I will institute attractive compensation system to inspire the top talent to join the teaching profession.

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I believe education system should not encourage competition between schools on standardized criteria because such criterion is biased against schools with students from struggling backgrounds. In addition, the focus should be on identifying and solving problems rather than putting blames for below-expectations outcomes. Measures should also be taken to reward educators more handsomely and attract top talent to teaching profession.

  • Tung, Stephen. How the Finnish school system outshines U.S. education. 20 January 2012. 27 May 2014

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