
Assess The Impact Of Fiscal And Monetary Policy On Your Chosen Organization

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Monetary and fiscal policy of ‘X studio’ boosts shareholders’ economic interest in the combined businesses. The X’s finance accountants measure adjusted operating cash flow after dividends and net capital expenditure of its joint ventures. The ‘X’ shows sound financial performance proven by the increase in assets and decrease in liabilities, which resulted in the growth of total equity. Even though the current assets decreased and current liabilities stayed on the same level, there has been the decrease in acquisition integration cost evidencing the X’s stability in its merging and acquisition operations.

2014 was successful to the Studio as it achieved sound growth momentum. Revenue reached up to ___% at constant currencies. X adjusted pre-tax profits up to 9% and earnings per share up to ___% at constant exchange rates. X generated $_____ of operating cash flow. Annual share repurchase program was introduced which included $_____ in 2014 and assumed $_____ over the next three years. Share repurchases and dividends will equate to about ___% of 2014 free cash flow.

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Three of the X four divisions are performing well and match their individual divisional targets for organic revenue growth. The overall growth in revenues shows acceleration, basic operating margins improve; X permanently generates cash assets, and attains more returns from invested capital. There has been a considerable progress in X performance in both strategic and operational contexts. X expanded content, introduced innovative online products and services, deployed lead technology and expertise. All these enabled X to internationalize and win new global markets. X meets the growing needs of its customers in a digital environment. X made ____ of their revenues electronic and delivered through the Internet. X adds value to their shareholders and customers through online information and up-to-date applications.

The overall financial increase indicates X’s strong operating performance and benefits from acquisitions. X strategically emphasizes on expanding the business and increasing the returns on capital. Further share repurchasing plans will increase shareholder returns and maintain financial flexibility for X. In addition, X will increase its business value through forthcoming acquisitions and organic development.

X follows a clear consistent strategy aimed at growing market success. X much benefit from the digital environment that expands studio’s opportunities in terms of expanding its content, brands, technologies and market positions while pursuing sustainable long-term growth that benefits shareholders and customers.

This gives all reasons to predict a positive outlook for X performance in 2015. Further business expansion will ensure more market opportunities and acquisition of investment, as well as enhancement of value added and differentiated offerings. The growing online business will assume further growth in for the X social media campaigns. Furthermore, in 2015 X is going to expand their content, introduce innovative online information products and services, and deploy lead market expertise, as well as to expand its distribution channels to win more market shares and customers.

X is an example of stable financial and operational growth and business dynamics. The studio shows excellent financial indices. The corporate philosophy grounds on respect to international practices and creative innovations, providing X with competitive edge over its market rivals. Overall, the reported financial and business indicators promise the profitable year for X and its further international expansion onto global markets.

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