
Pelican Stores Report

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Included here is data from the recent promotional that occurred at stores in the states of New York, Texas, California, Florida, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, over the weekend of March 17th – 19th, 2015. Following its recent promotion, during which time discount coupons were sent to customers that shopped at fellow National Clothing stores, data was collected to determine the impact of the promotional. Data was collected from 400 stores and transactions were tracked across the three categories of 1) National Clothing charge card users, 2) customers using a promotional coupon, and 3) customers that made purchases without a coupon.

These three types of customers have been categorized as a) proprietary card method of payment, b) promotional customers, and c) regular customers, respectively. Coupons were not sent to regular Pelican Stores customers and are categorized as regular customers, excluding them from the category of promotional customers. This prevents data overlap to the greatest extent possible when studying the data and determining the impact of the promotion.

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This analysis of the data primarily concerns the age of our customers, a significant variable and predictor of buying habits. The most likely individuals to purchase are between the ages of 18 and 54, with key age groups being even narrow, often between the ages of 18 and 34 or 18 and 49. Individuals that fall into this age group often have available disposable income and are more likely to spend on purchases. Additional examination reveals the promotional-to-regular customer return on the promotional, as well as a general gender breakdown of shoppers within the stores.

Scatter Plot 1.1 below tracks each of our customers and tracks them for their ages. From this, we see that our shoppers primarily fall in between the ages of 30 and 50, which is an excellent zone in which to be targeting advertising in order to move product.

In Bar Chart 1.1, we see that the promotional brought in nearly 75% as many promotional seeking cusomters as the number of regular customers that visited. The combination of hitting the right target range and attracting a significant number of promotional customers indicates that such promotions will be effective at increasing revenues moving forward.

The data in Bar Chart 1.2 demonstrates the current level of gender disparity within shoppers, representing a missing market segment that Pelican Stores has yet to target.

It can be concluded that the sale was effective in generating a significant new stream of shoppers at Pelican Stores. With sales from promotional customers equaling nearly 75% of those of regular customers, significant new revenue streams were generated and awareness of the store brand increased as a result. Future observation of sales must be maintained over subsequent weeks to determine whether the sale leads to ongoing increased revenue at stores that participated in the sale, in order to contour future promotions and understand new market segments to target. The data also illustrates where the store is succeeding – primarily in hitting its target age range – as well as areas where it is failing to generate revenues, primarily among male shoppers.

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