
Application of Computer Networks for Organizational Communication

942 words | 4 page(s)

Most organizations have various entities that operation in collaboration to ensure that the objectives of the organization are achieved. Strategic management of these aspects is very important to ensure there is consistency and continuity in the operation of the organization. Organizational leaders have the responsibility of ensuring that all structures and departments of an organization collaborate effectively in order to achieve the objectives of the organization (Keith, 2005). The collaboration requires strategic engagement of all stakeholders within and outside the organization to ensure that all parties participate in the activities of the organization. The structural and cultural orientation of the organization must support the collaboration in order to enhance the required success.

Communication barriers are the major causes of poor collaboration in an organization. Communication ensures that there is a good flow if information in an organization in order to reach the required target without any delay. Therefore, effective communication is one of the critical constructs of organizational management and administration. Good communication is characterized by the availability of the most appropriate structures and protocols within the organization (Keith, 2005). All members of the organization require information on the plans and decisions that are made within the organization. In order to achieve maximum relevance of the communication process, the information should be delivered in the required time and in the correct form (Wood, 2010).

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One of the factors that cause poor communication in an organization is the lack of a good cultural and structural framework to support the transmission of the information (ICT, 2011). These aspects define the extent to which an organization is ready to the transmission and reception of information. The cultural perspective that is associated with communication entails the change of attitudes and perceptions among the members of the organization to embrace a positive feeling about communication (Wood, 2010). This entails the psychological engagement of the people who should facilitate the communication process.

In order to keep pace with the organizational requirements of collaboration with all parties involved in its process, it is important to acquire sophisticated communication platforms. The advent of information systems presents a valid solution to the challenges associated with communication in the organizations. Networking is one of the technological advancements that can promote high levels of interaction of the members of the organization within the company and those outside (Wood, 2010). Networking presents massive technologies that form links between the people who need to collaborate through the transmission of information that is essential for an organization.

Computer networks can increase the efficiency of communication in an organ through prompt transmission of signals with the required information. The computer networks require various components that facilitate the communication process. The organization must acquire the system computers, databases, terminals and peripherals (Wood, 2010). The networks can be used to make the connection from one computer to another. These networks can also be connected to various devices that need to be used by the organization to perform its operations. The specification of the components obtained for this purpose depends on the size of the organization and the type of information that should be shared. This is because these components have limitation of the amount of information and the security level of the information that is transmitted (Keith, 2005).

The networks in an organization can be set up in several ways. The configuration of the networks depends on the number of devices that need to be connected and the distance between the communicating devices (Wood, 2010). The speed of transmission required can also determine the type of topology an organization can adopt. The networking experts can assess the communication requirements for an organization before recommending a given topology for the organization. The computers used in the networks have the operating systems and application that govern the communication process.

The implementation of the communication networks in an organization is one of the factors that can lead to the emergence of challenges to the success of the technological advancement. In order to adopt the use of the technologies in an organization, a change of policies and protocols that govern the communication process in an organization is very important. The administrators should ensure that the use of the computer networks is consistent with the regulations of the organization (Keith, 2005). Policy change can also assist in the acquisition of the required resources to implement the acquisition of these resources.

Management of resistance to change in the organization is also very important. This can be achieved by ensuring that all members of the organization and its structures are ready for the adoption of the networks. The most practical way to achieve this is through ensuring the staff members in the organization realize the need for a change. After realizing the need for effective communication in the organization, it is important that the organization commits some resources in the organization for training the staff members on the use of the systems associated with the networks (Keith, 2005). The training will assist in reducing the amount of errors that may be committed in the operation of these networks.

The organization should also strive to enhance the integrity of the information transmitted through the networks. Security measures should be installed to ensure that the information passed through the networks is safe. The users if the networks should observe the ethical and moral standards associated with the used of these networks in order to safeguard the interest of the organization. Therefore, computer networks can be used to enhance organizational communication inadequacies.

  • ICT, (2011). The Importance of Computer Networks. ICT Global Publication. Retrieved from http://www.ictglobal.com/imp_networks.html
  • Keith, J. (2005). Computer Networking. NJ: Pearson.
  • Wood, J. (2010). Propagating a Digital Revolution in an Organization. Journal of Technology. 12(3):1-4

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