
Applying Human Relations Skills with a Difficult Customer

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As a hotel manager dealing with a difficult customer, there are several things which I can do in order to diffuse the situation. These include my use of language, keeping the focus on the customer, and ensuring direct action is taken to resolve identifiable problems. These are simple actions, and they do not have to be difficult to implement.

The traveler is clearly annoyed, and ensuring that my use of language does not make it worse is a good start to changing the tone and the direction of the conversation. One easy way to do this is to only use positive language. Rather than replying with “no” or “not”, I can phrase things in the positive.

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Another step I can take is to keep the focus on the traveler and their concerns. Rather than take out my frustration with regard to the fact that I suspect the traveler caused the problem, after having spent considerable funds fixing the problem, I will focus on the customer, their needs and their concerns.

Ensuring that the main part of the response is action can avoid a debate, and this is preferable. The customer came with a problem, and I can solve the problem rather than treat the customer like they are the problem. The tones of the customer, or continued rude comments, do not need to be the priority. Perhaps the customer did not break the unit; perhaps they just have it on the wrong setting, for example. Why not find out?

To respond to the traveler I might say something like “Let’s take a look right now and get this working so that you can get the rest you need”. This is the response that represents good customer service, and has the best potential result for all parties.

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