
Buyer Analysis for a Hypoallergenic and Hydrating Foundation

319 words | 2 page(s)

Almay gives the best skincare products for consumers with sensitive skin. It is hypoallergenic and hydrating foundation is now the best option in the market for consumers that suffer allergic reactions from other makeups. The best part is that it comes with an in-built primer, making your skin even smoother and for an extended period.

Market segmentation, user profile and the buyers
This product from Almay targets consumers with sensitive skin which poses allergic reactions or irritation to the users of other makeup products. Sensitive skin can pose a challenge to consumers who still want to venture into beauty products. Therefore, Almay’s hypoallergenic and hydrating foundation covers customers that fall into this category. However, other customers that do not have allergic reactions from makeups can still use this product.

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The consumer decision-making process
This process begins with potential customers with sensitive skin identifying the need to find makeup that will not affect their skin conditions. This need leads them to research the available alternatives in the market. As they embark on this, they may find several options that fall into their required category. The consumers then embark on identifying different features from these products some of these features would include the effects of the product on the skin and how long it will last. Upon choosing the foundation with the essential features, they purchase and use it. If the foundation has better effects on the skin and is easy to use, the consumer will end up re-purchasing the product. If not, the consumers will look for other alternatives identified in their research.

The influencers of this makeup foundation are customers that have used it before, Almay’s marketing strategists and the product packaging and appearance by Almay. The factors that influence other buyers are geographical factors, which is customers in the U.S. and the neighboring countries. The buyers are female consumers with interest in using beauty products.

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