
Changes in My Life

745 words | 3 page(s)

At certain moments in my life, I have often realized that once a time has gone by it cannot be regained Often I have lived my life without actually thinking out the ways in which al of the precious times were slipping past and taking little care to remember things. One of the most important things that I have learnt from the experience of losing too much time throughout my life is that time management is crucially important and that I should always try to be mindful of what I wanted at what time and of how to achieve it.

Attaining my goal of securing a degree in business requires me to make many changes in my life, especially regarding the way in which I think about time management. In particular, I will not be able to afford to let time go in the same that I have previously in my life. I have found that not only do I want to maintain time for my studies, but I also want to live as much as possible to maintain time to look after my mental and emotional health. In particular, I want to be able to make sure that I can keep a good work life balance. This paper will discuss what I have learnt from my own experience about how to maintain the best possible work life balance by discussing two techniques that I have discovered relating to the important areas in my life; regarding both study and exercise. In particular, it will focus on specific ways that I have found to cope with my life and to make sure that I get the most out of it.

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One change that I have made in my life in order to maximize my capacity in life is to go to bed early and wake up early. Previously I would often go to bed late, and as a result I would find it difficult to be able to function the next day. This would have a cumulative effect and I would frequently find that I was able to do less and less every week that I was sleeping strangely. This has also meant changing aspects of my social life and allowing my self fewer times a week to socialize but making sure that that social is well spent. For example, I have found that only socializing once a week has meant that I am able to regulate my sleeping pattern better. Since making a concious effort to change my sleeping pattern, I have been able to improve my general condition and energy levels and therefore my ability to be in the world.

Another major change that I have made is to shift my daily exercise to the morning instead of the afternoon. This has meant that I am able to exercise before my day really beings. Because of this I am able to focus for the rest of the day on the work that needs to be done for my degree and therefore do not find myself feeling distracted or confused by other thoughts or demands on time. Previously, I would be studying in the day, but also think about working out after. When I exercise in the morning I am generally more relaxed through the day and am therefore able to learn and read much better than I would have able to had been worried about exercising or performing other tasks while trying to work and study. Although this change was initially difficult, I eventually began to find that I preferred a morning work-out to an evening one, and that, as I say, it gave me more and more time focus and to think through my day. Importantly, taking exercise in the morning specifically helps me to think through my day and it wakes me up. All in all, this makes me a better person throughout the day.

In conclusion, this paper has described two methods that I have used in order to try to improve my chances of getting the degree that I want and improving my life. These two methods relate to how I get up in the morning and how I conduct myself for the rest of the day. Most importantly, these changes have enabled me to take a holistic approach to my day and to understand how the way that I begin my day will affect the whole of it. This is, I believe, a very important lesson to have learnt.

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