
College Application About Business

626 words | 3 page(s)

My love for business did not start yesterday. It began a long time ago. It is a crucial field, given the important role that it plays in any economy. My love and interest in it revolve around my family and my desire to make a difference both domestically and internationally. One issue that drives my passion for it is how my parents raise me. They own several apartments and houses in the Dominican Republic. I see them as leaders, and I want to be like them. They create jobs and make a profit which they use to take care of the family’s needs and invest more in other profitable ventures. I want to understand the formalities of business, how to make a business plan, value assets, and liabilities, among many other important concepts in the field. I know that by taking a business course in college, I will have the skills and knowledge to help my parents in expanding their business interests and even start my organization.

I understand that it is relatively a big field which demands focus and attention. I am ready to give my all. Besides that, I see my parents as leaders in their field. I admire their hard work. I also consider other business leaders like Jeff Bezos, Paul Polman, and Elon Musk who employ millions of people and motivate others to achieve all they can live in their lives, and I want to be like them. I know that taking my business course is not the end. It is the beginning of greatness. I will strive to become not just a business person, but also a leader. I know that through that, I will be able to affect many lives.

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Another drive to why I am applying to have admission to the business school is because I want to do charity work. Many times I see how my parents help the less fortunate in the Dominican Republic. They use their influence as business leaders in the country to educate students whose parents cannot pay their school fees. They also have involvement in many shelters that help the homeless. Their influence encourages me to pursue my passion for business to be able to have the kind of impact that they do in the lives of other people. The same situation applies to the business leaders that I mentioned earlier. They are individuals that use their statuses to help others. When I see such, I have the encouragement to pursue my passion and impact others’ lives positively.

Studying business in the school will help me to understand how organizations operate. It will also enable me to develop strong written and oral communication. Besides that, it will help me to develop critical and analytical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, and logical thinking skills. It will improve my report and presentation skills, and understanding and numeracy of financial data. Furthermore, it teaches resource and project management. However, one of the most important lessons that I will learn is time management, initiative, and self-motivation. I believe that when I have the motivation to achieve an objective, I will do it with passion.

My goal is to be like my parents and help them in their business. I also want to leave my mark in the society. I want to be a leader who encourages others to achieve what they want without any fear. I want to ensure that my followers have the right principles to live by so that they can implement them to be better people than they originally were. Most of all, I want to help people that lack the resources to be who they want to be in life. It is in this reasoning that I ask to join the school of business.

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