
National Honor Society Letter

706 words | 3 page(s)

My name is Tiffany _______________ and I am absolutely thrilled to be writing this essay for inclusion in the National Honor Society at St. Joseph’s High School. I have looked forward to this day since I was in middle school for it is a membership I have long aspired to obtain. This essay will certainly illustrate that I possess the attributes of scholarship, leadership, service and character that are key components of all National Honor Society members. Please allow me to explain to you who I am and why I deserve consideration for this honor.

Throughout the duration of my middle and high school years as a Saint Joseph student, I have adhered to the principles of the National Honor Society as my life guide. I crave knowledge and my performance in the classroom has been of the utmost importance since I first entered the education system. I have been consistently been rewarded for my high academic standards by being named an honors student since I was in grammar school and currently have a grade point average of ______________. I truly believe with an outstanding education and work ethic, such as I possess, the sky is the limit for any future endeavors.

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In addition to my exceptional academic record, I have also excelled in athletics. With six varsity letters to my credit, I was selected to the varsity softball team as a freshman and traveled throughout the country as a player for an elite national softball team. I am also the head cheerleader for my squad and have competed in regional cheerleader competitions with my team. To gain greater insight into other athletic roles, I participated in the management program for the Saint Joseph High school field hockey team and enjoyed learning the elements that comprise the operations of a high school sports team. I feel this experience was utterly invaluable in learning how to develop relationships with others and honing my communication skills off the field.

To become a well-rounded individual and give back to my community, I have volunteered for the Field of Dreams program for three consecutive years. The premise of this program is to aid handicapped children in their pursuit of playing sports. It is so rewarding and satisfying to help these children attain heights they never imagined. My involvement with Field of Dreams has opened my eyes to how fortunate I am and to never take even the smallest thing for granted. I believe this attitude and outlook is an exceptional trait that I am quite proud of.

I have also received the honor of being nominated for the National Academy of Future Physicians and Medical Scientists Award of Excellence Program. Long after my days in high school have ended, I seek to save peoples’ lives and serve my community at an elite level. To be recognized for my abilities shows faith in my dreams and that I have the passion, drive and the skills to reach them. It also contributes to my desire to be a role model for my peers and establishes a level of merit I will continue to hold myself to.

Another component I feel is integral to my acceptance to the National Honor Society is my character. I am driven, ambitious, a self-starter and conscientious of others. I continually bear in mind the kind of person I am and want to remain. Honesty, integrity and accountability are definitely extremely important to me. I strive to be the best person I possibly can and would take my membership in the National Honor Society very seriously.

After briefly describing my qualities and my achievements throughout my academic career and life, I believe I would be an asset as a member in the National Honor Society. I would uphold and represent all the values of this esteemed organization to the best of my ability. I also feel that being accepted as a member would be a major coup for me because this organization will only improve upon who I am, what I hope to accomplish and contribute to my future development. Therefore, it is with the utmost humility and truest of intentions that I submit this essay on my behalf for acceptance as a member of the National Honor Society.

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