Dr. John Grohol’s article, “Debilitating Effects of TV on Children”, begins with the statement that compares the television watching habits of children with smoking. The assumption of this article is that television has an effect on the educational, moral, and physical development of children. He cites three articles that back up this point of view. The intent of the article is to warn parents against using television as a babysitter or allowing children unlimited access to television.
One study provided data that indicated that one hour of television per day produces harmful results in adolescents. This study, from the Research Department at Columbia’s College of Physicians and Surgeons (2007) was referenced. However, the full citation was not provided and therefore the context of the study, the nature of sample population, and the methods used could not be reviewed. The conclusions of this study reflected higher rates of school performance problems among adolescents who watch one or more hours of television per day.
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If one adopts the information provided in this study, the conclusion that can be drawn is that eliminating television watching among children would increase school performance, improve health in children, and reduce incidences of sexual activity among teens. Further, the argument presented overlooks other factors that result in the phenomena addressed in cited articles.
On the other hand, if the premise offered in this article is not accepted, the effects of media on the development of children may be overlooked. There is a body of research that points to educational effects of television. One such study by Zillman, Bryant, and Huston (1994) indicates that some children under some conditions, can be adversely affected by some television shows. This study does not totally refute the findings of the studies cited by Grohol. Instead, it opens the door to further exploration into the types of children, types of conditions, and types of television programs that are most likely to cause harm. Grohol’s statements, while supported, do not offer an objective view of the issue.
- Zillman, D., Bryant, J., and Huston, A. (1995). Media, children, and the family; and television
and the exceptional child, Harvard Educational Review, Spring.