
Equity Theory

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The concept of motivation is a critical construct in most organizational activities. Motivation can be associated with the type of compensation an individual receives (Crystal, 2014). In order to increase the quality of the work done and enhance output, there needs to be sufficient morale among the people who do the job. In the world today, sport is turning out to be one of the jobs that pays very well. There are various considerations that are taken in order to determine the amount of money athletes are paid. The variations are evident through the salary disparities that exist among various sports personnel. The essay will take a critical analysis on the payment scales of Floyd Mayweather and Cristiano Ronaldo.

Floyd Mayweather is one of the richest athletes in the United States. Mayweather is a professional boxer who has participated and won in numerous titles across the world. By 2014, Mayweather’s estimated net worth is approximately 280 million dollars (Kurt, 2014). He was one of the first athletes, besides Tiger Woods, in the United States to get an annual compensation tally of 100 million dollars. Apparently, his fortunes have been accelerated by his unique talent that has seen him become victorious in numerous global contests. Some of the unique characteristics of his abilities include his sophisticated natural instinct, power and speed. According to Forbes, his current monthly salary is approximately 105 million dollars (Kurt, 2014).

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Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the best footballers in the history of the sport. The Real Madrid and Portugal star was voted the most valuable player in the world in 2013 (McDonnell, 2014). This was the second time was voted to that prestigious global title. As a result of his exceptional performance, Real Madrid accorded him a five-year contract that is over 200 million dollars. He has won numerous football champions across Europe and the world. One of his latest biggest contributions includes his contribution towards his team’s winning the Champions leagues title. His striking good physical features that are perceived to have good looks have assisted him acquire several multi-million sponsorships in the corporate world. His current net pay per annum is approximately 17 million euros (McDonnell, 2014).

The salaries of these two athletes are the most attractive in consideration to other athletes in their countries of origin. The high amount of money that these individuals receive can be attributed to numerous factors. One of the factors that is common among these athletes is that they have unique talents that have assisted them excel in the international sports competitions. Their unique talents and abilities have also assisted them acquire sufficient publicity that has been very very crucial in their professional progression. Their ability to influence the people to accord them various international awards and recognitions is another factor that has promoted their level of confidence and thus a major boost to their professional development.

The current state and progression of the two athletes is a typical representation of Adam’s Equity Theory (Crystal, 2014). According to the theory, there is a big need for a balance to be struck between a person’s inputs and outputs in relation to professional activity (Crystal, 2014). Some of the inputs can include skill, hard work, enthusiasm, tolerance and potential. The ability of the two athletes to shine in various international competitions in their respective fields has been very critical towards influencing their inputs to their employers. According to the theory, the outputs include benefits, salaries and recognition. Consequently, the examples used exhibit consistency with the theory because their representations portray a balance between their inputs and the outputs.

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