
Flipped Classroom Pros and Cons

695 words | 3 page(s)

Flipped classroom is an instructional model in which delivery of instructional content is done outside the classroom. When considering EMS education, flipping the classroom means that the lower levels of cognitive work such as comprehension and understanding new knowledge are done outside the classroom while the higher levels of cognitive work which include application and analysis are done within the classroom environment. This is different from the traditional model in which first exposure to instructional content was through classroom lectures and the students assimilated the course knowledge through homework. In a flipped classroom, students are expected to work on the assignments before coming to class. The processing activities within the class help in providing constructive feedback to the students thereby reducing the need for the instructor to provide written feedback to the work done by each student (Rivera, 2016).

The main purpose of a flipped classroom is to enhance student learning by ensuring that class time is focused on understanding the content instead of focusing on lecturing. This happens by teachers posting short videos of the content in student platforms for the students to view before they come for the next class. The effect of this is that it allows time for collaborative learning through projects and discussions (Roehling, 2017).

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Advantages and disadvantages
The first advantage of a flipped classroom is the increase control that it allows the students. The students are allowed to watch instructional videos at home meaning that they can learn at their own pace and convenience. The model also allows students to take time and review all the necessary material and may receive assistance from the instructor or the classmates.

The other advantage is that flipped classroom allows for student-centered learning and promotes classroom collaboration. In a flipped classroom, students may teach one another. Students are also allowed to control what they learn meaning that they can own this knowledge thereby building on their self-confidence. Flipped classroom gives teachers the chance to provide one-on-one attention to the students in order to improve understanding and academic performance of the students (Roehling, 2017).

The third advantage of the flipped classroom is that it ensures that course content are more accessible. This is because the teacher provides such content online through the student discussion boards. The content can then be accessed by students who may not be able to make it to class due to illness, vacations, sports or any other form of emergency. This also allows the teacher some flexibility when he or she has an emergency (Rivera, 2016).

The other advantage is that it allows parents to follow the instruction delivered to the students. This is because the videos are available online and parents can log in to view the course content provided to the students. Through this, parents can actively participate in education of their children as they can deliver other content not delivered to the teachers but which are important for the overall development of the students.

Flipped classroom allows the students time to participate in other extra-curriculum activities such as games and sports thereby improving their physical and mental health.

One disadvantage of the flipped classroom is that it may create a digital divide in classroom instruction. This happens especially because some students from low income families may not have the financial ability to purchase computers in order to view the lectures.

The other disadvantage is that it is dependent so much on the discipline and interest of the students. This is because in order for the students to watch the videos from their homes, they must develop the interest and initiative desired (Roehling, 2017).

The other disadvantage is increased responsibility for the teacher. This is because he teacher has to create condensed videos on the content and motivate the students to watch the content.

The other disadvantage is that it increases the time that students spend on their screens yet there are some students who may not effectively learn through the screens (Rivera, 2016).

  • Rivera, V.M. (2016). Flipped classrooms: Advantages and disadvantages from the perspective of practicing art teacher. New York: State University of New York at New Paltz.
  • Roehling, P.V. (2017). Flipping the college classroom: An evidence-based guide. New York: Springer.

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