
Graduation Party

712 words | 3 page(s)

A graduation is a special time in a person’s life. It is evidence of a job well done, and it is a time to celebrate one’s accomplishments. Because graduation only happens once, and because it is a time to reflect back on work well done and the possibilities that lay before graduates, I wanted to throw a party. My daughter was finishing school, and as a result, I wanted to show her my pride in her accomplishments and my great hope for the promise of her future.

Throwing a graduation party is not easy, as it requires supplies, time, and preparation. In terms of supplies, I will need plenty of food and drink. With a party of this nature, the right approach is to have simple foods that appeal to everyone. Some might be prepared, with others being bought. The key is to have enough so that people can snack on something during the party. I will also need the simple things, like cups, plates, silverware, and enough chairs and tables to accommodate all of my guests.

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Time is perhaps the most precious commodity for someone planning a party. One has to think about the party well in advance in order to send out invitations and give people time to plan to attend the party. This is why, when throwing a party of this nature, one must get the ball rolling many weeks in advance. As the party approaches, there are certain things that require time. One must call the bakery a few days in advance to secure a cake. In the immediate lead-up to the party, it will take several hours to purchase or prepare the food and provide a safe, comfortable environment where all people can have fun.

In terms of pre-preparation, selecting the proper location is critical. A party is only as good as the place where it is thrown. Likewise, there is a tremendous amount of planning that must go into the pre-prep process. How many people are coming? Are there any special accommodations that I need to make for certain guests? These questions must ultimately be answered.

The preparation steps are critically important to pulling off a good party. First is deciding how many people to invite to the party. This is first because it will dictate the food and drink needs, as well as the space needs for the party. From there, one must choose the right location. Whether it is an off-site location or in one’s house, it is important to have enough space to house all guests. One must then send out invitations and take account of the RSVPs received. The ideal party will include some form of music or entertainment, so preparation requires that the entertainment be booked well in advance. Likewise, there is the process of following up with the location or cleaning your own home, depending upon where the party will be hosted.

On the day of the party, it will be important to leave some lag time in order to account for unexpected problems. That day, one must pick up the cake and prepare the decorations. Because it is a graduation party, the cake will be a graduation theme, and the decorations will reflect the accomplishments of my daughter. Likewise, food must be put out in a manner that makes it easy for all guests to have access. Follow-up calls must be made to all parties who are critical in helping with the party, including any entertainment that might have been booked or catering service that might have been employed.

At the end of the day, one must put the finishing touches on the party, ensuring that all people have fun, starting with my daughter. Being a good host is a major part of throwing a successful graduation party. I will have to wear many hats and play many roles, ensuring that everything is going according to plan and people are being served in the proper manner. When that is all done, it is time to clean up, a process that should only be done when the party has completely finished above. Above all, it is important to not let the stress of the day take away from the celebration of my daughter and her remarkable achievements.

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