
Evaluation of Adolescent Drug and Alcohol Education Programs

720 words | 3 page(s)

Alabama is one of the regions that is highly affected by drug and substance abuse among the adolescents. There are numerous factors that have led to the high levels of substance abuse. Some of these factors include social, cultural and economic factors. In order to control and regulate prevalence of drug and substance abuse in Alabama, there are various programs and initiatives that have been instituted so as to mitigate the drug activities. Some of the educational programs have been initiated by the federal and state governments. However, there are also programs that are sponsored by other agencies and organizations that are not part of the governments.

One of the most common educational programs are initiated by the Riverbend Center for mental Health (RCMH, 2014). The organization engages adolescents on matters related to alcohol and drugs in Northwest Alabama. The Alabama Abuse Counseling center applied various approaches in running educational initiatives to create awareness among the youth regarding alcohol and substance abuse (AACC, 2014). The use of various models in enhancing sensitization among the youth facilitates acquisition of strong educational systems in the numerous educational programs that assist adolescents to manage issues related to drug and alcohol dependency (Alabama Mental Health, 2014).

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The educational programs have assisted in reducing the risks related to the use of drugs in Alabama. The initiatives assist in creating awareness among the youth and in improving the level of mental literacy that is very critical in addressing issues associated with the use of the drugs (Alabama Mental Health, 2014). The use of well-designed frameworks in approaching issues that make the adolescents indulge in drug and substance abuse (Bradford Health Services, 2014). The educational programs in Alabama have acquired high levels of competence as compared to other states because of the strategic assessments that are carried by the agencies so as to identify and alleviate the gaps that lead to alcohol and drug dependence.

There are various factors that predispose adolescents in Alabama to drug use and dependence.

Poor parenting is one of the factors that increases the risk of adolescents engaging in alcohol and substance use. This includes exposure of children to these substances in their developmental stages. Peer pressure is also one of the most common causes of adolescent drug and alcohol indulgence. The presence of colleagues in who use these drugs in schools and social centers can influence an individual into using the drugs. Stress and depression as a result of poverty can also increase the risk of involvement in drug and substance abuse in adolescents.

Individual attitude plays a big role in relation to the use of drugs and substances among the youth. Attitudes and mental orientations assist in the developments of various perceptions regarding drug and alcohol use. These attitudes and perception are developed from the information that is acquired from various educational initiatives and programs. Parents also play a big role in the development of various attitudes regarding the use of alcohol and drugs in children (Mrug, Gaines & Windle, 2010). Therefore, the use of both private and public institutions in Alabama has assisted in the management of various attitudes related to the use of these drugs.

Values and beliefs have been strategically applied with various abilities in acquiring the needs of various youths in Alabama. The use of values is very crucial in the management of the drug use. One of the most practical and realistic application of values is the promotion of ethical and moral standards (Mrug, Gaines & Windle, 2010). The development of these principles is very essential in guiding the adolescents in various circumstances that may lead into alcohol and drug dependence. The use of these protocols has facilitated improvement of the existing structures and programs so as to serve the current needs among the adolescents (Alabama Mental Health, 2014).

  • AACC, (2014). Abuse and Counseling Services. Alabama Abuse and Counseling Center. Retrieved from http://www.alabamaabusecounselingcenter.com/Programs.html
  • Alabama Mental Health, (2014). Mental health Directory. Mental Health resource Directory for Alabama. Retrieved from http://www.alabamamentalhealth.org/about/
  • Bradford Health Services, (2014). Bradford Health Services Publication. Retrieved from https://bradfordhealth.com/about/
  • Mrug, S., Gaines, J. & Windle, M. (2010). School-Level Substance Use. National Center for Biotechnology Information. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2887919/
  • RCMH, (2014). Child and Adolescent mental Health Programs. Riverbend Center for Mental Health. Retrieved from http://www.rcmh.org/programs.html

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