
Marketing Discussion Week 6

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Three products whose adoption rates have been affected by complexity, compatibility, or relative advantage, are smart phones, as a result of their complexity; cloud computing, as a result of their relative advantage; and the Playstation 3 as a result of its compatibility, or rather lack thereof (the games are not backwards compatible).

Three product categories that are in the maturity stages of their product life cycles that are posed to be reinvented rather than eliminated are the gaming console, given that the next gen consoles are currently in development (Xbox 720 and Playstation 4); the phone itself, as a result of the continued reinvention, going from hand held to cellular, to smart phones; and hosting, given the start of a shift from physical hosted space to cloud computing.

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Charleston Animal Humane Society created the Feline Frenzy event to boost adoptions, working with the newspapers to add a bright orange “sticky note ad on the front page of the community’s largest newspaper” (ASPA, 2011), bringing adoptions for the weekend “up 632% from the average weekend” (ASPCA, 2011). In order to improve the mix to attract more customers, I would recommend that they alternate types of events such as Mouse Monday, Terrier Tuesday, and so on, continuing to utilize sticky note advertising to do so.

While I do not have a favorite service provider, I find that Comcast is one of my most necessary providers, and it faces many different marketing challenges, primarily that of bad reviews brought on by incredibly poor service; this is not the same challenge faced by the non-profit mentioned earlier. Their reputation is so bad that they were a part of the “Worst Company in America Final Death Match” (Consumerist, 2008); and in order to work to address this particular issue, they have a large amount of work ahead of them in order to correct not only their service levels, but their levels of customer service as well, in order to correct the overall public opinion that Comcast is a “terrible, horrible, no good, very bad company” (Consumerist, 2008).

  • ASPCA. “10 Media & Marketing Strategies for Shelters.” ASPCA Professional Blog 10 Media Marketing Strategies for Shelters Comments. APSCA, 11 Jan. 2011. Web. 11 May 2013. .
  • Consumerist. “Worst Company In America Final Death Match: Comcast VS Countrywide Home Loans.” Consumerist. Consumerist, 21 July 2008. Web. 11 May 2013. .

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