
Personal Statement Essay On Video Games

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I am a person who is most happy in a huge variety of worlds. These are worlds are often dangerous, contain deadly creatures, and are ones n which I must conduct baffling feats of mental ingenuity and physical dexterity in order to survive. Should I survive them then I can never be guaranteed to be afforded any definite degree of success or personal security. Nonetheless, these are worlds to which I return again and again, usually on a daily basis in order to conduct death defying and occasionally fatal missions and adventures. Although I have experienced many happy times in other surroundings; in my childhood home and in the parks where I’ve played for years, none of this can complete with the thrill and the sense of happiness which I experience in the worlds which I am talking of here. They are constantly varied, the travel there is cheap and I can be assured of a new one at least every two or three months. Nonetheless, they all present me with a basic sense of fun, contentment, and occasionally companionship which I seek and need in my life. I’m speaking here, of course, about the world and environment of video games. This is a world in which I can honestly say that I feel most happy and satisfied.

For me, an idea of contentment cannot be separated from an idea of both adventure and of diversity. I am most happy when I am able to explore new things, new worlds and new ideas. I love to do this with both old and new friends and I seek to do such exploration in ways which are sometimes familiar and sometimes entirely new. This idea of a diverse and exciting contentment is something which I fell that I have possessed throughout my life and it is something which I feel I can find and bring to the world of video-gaming as I experience it.

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To understand the contentment that playing video games brings to me, it is necessary only to think of their diversity. I play a range of games when I can, and constantly interact with new worlds and test my mental abilities in each of them. I am also able to meet and interact with people around the world in a way which is free from the pressures of social life. In what may seem like a bizarre way, the opportunity of playing video games in a way which allows me and others with whom I would otherwise have no contact, to take on avatars and to move around worlds where we belong completely, is an opportunity to fully and completely be myself. That I know that the vast majority of the people whom I encounter in the gaming world feel the same creates a sense of a shared experience of security and comfort. It is from this base that we game and play together in the perfect combination of adventure and security.

Video-gaming is not the central aspect of my life, and I do not spend all of my free time doing it. It is, however, the activity in which I feel most at home. My favourite games are intellectual and imaginary shelters for me and allow me to escape from the difficulties of the world into a place where I can communicate and act in a way which is otherwise entirely impossible. Like other worlds, of the course, the worlds of games have rules, but they are rules which are tailored to suit me and those with whom I play. To play a video game, in the sense that I often experience them is to to exist in a world in which the rules were designed explicitly for my own enjoyment, and in which they serve to actively facilitate what I do and how I do it.

I believe that I am a deeply creative and adventurous person, and to move through a well constructed gaming world is to move through a world in which all amount of possible care has been taken in order to make each detail careful and beautiful. I believe that the very best games are works of art, and the experience of living and moving in such a work, of feeling both safe and thrilled, and of knowing that millions of people around the world are sharing this experience with me is the closest to a feeling of happiness and contentment that I am able to conceive of.

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