
Professional Development And Mentoring Reflection

481 words | 2 page(s)

The general article tackles education and specifically the mentoring and developing of education professional. In the article counselors becoming counselor educators by Kathie Crocket and Elmarie Kotze, it presents the important connection between professional education and how it can aid in the main issue. The article develops a relationship if how mentors or counselors can aid in educating individuals that would be joining the education practice. The article indicates that counseling becomes an educative tool in ensuring professional are structured towards the system. When they enter into their profession, they know what to expect and how to adjust to it. Therefore, the article is vital to the literature review of the topic.

The article by Davis et al. 2015, on teaching teachers evaluating the changes that occur in self-concept of attitudes, skills, and knowledge helps the research in various ways. It provides guidance on how teachers can react to current concerns in their profession. It is important to the literature review as it encourages teachers not just to consider their professional side of issues but interpersonal education. The teacher’s knowledge and skill are versatile and keep on changing according to the current issues. They also need to ensure that they are learning apart from imparting knowledge on students. Therefore, the article helps the literature review to point out the need to ensure that teachers have an adaptive mechanism for current issues in their training and practice.

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The article by Yoran Doppelt and other provides the possible results of facilitated learning. Facilitated learning aims at improving the teacher’s practice and student’s achievement. Therefore, in the literature review, the article provides a possible view of how professional mentors can aid in ensuring the required student’s and teachers results in their practice are achieved. In the context of the research, the desired results would be using teachers practice to develop them in a professional way to tackle emerging and current issue.

The article by Peter Hudson covers the theory and practice of how different strategies can be applied in pedagogical knowledge. The article, by all means, has the knowledge required by the topic in ensuring that professional development and mentoring of teachers is possible through the strategies provided. The article is fundamental in the study as it ensures that teachers are well prepared for their practice.

  • Crocket, K., & Kotzé, E. (2012). Counsellors becoming counsellor educators: a New Zealand example. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 40(3), 247-260.
  • Davis, B. P., Clevenger, C. K., Posnock, S., Robertson, B. D., & Ander, D. S. (2015). Teaching the teachers: Faculty development in inter-professional education. Applied Nursing Research, 28(1), 31-35.
  • Doppelt, Y., Schunn, C. D., Silk, E. M., Mehalik, M. M., Reynolds, B., & Ward, E. (2009). Evaluating the impact of a facilitated learning community approach to professional development on teacher practice and student achievement. Research in Science & Technological Education, 27(3), 339-354.
  • Hudson, P. (2013). Strategies for mentoring pedagogical knowledge. Teachers and Teaching, 19(4), 363-381.

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