
Teamwork Is An Individual Skill

357 words | 2 page(s)

The 4th chapter focuses on the importance of building trust with teammate and offers advice on reasonable amount of trust for other people, gaining and maintaining trust, as well as fixing matters that compromise trust in a relationship to allow it to remain alive. The biggest takeaways from this chapter are conclusions that it is always better to put more trust in people than less, that it is important to remember and keep even the small agreements, and that it is always better to acknowledge the broken agreements and either apologize or confront the responsible party in order to maintain the relationship. Incorporating these takeaways into our teamwork will require keeping them in mind and training awareness of all the communication processes within the team.

After reading this chapter it becomes clear that putting trust in each other instead of constantly overlooking all the process gives rise to personal initiative and responsibility which serve as great motivators to contribute to the mutual project. Thus, in our team we will attempt to always go for higher degree of trust for each other. It is associated with certain amount of risk, however, the prospective gains of having engaged and motivated team member outweigh them.

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In order to maintain this trustful atmosphere, each of us will have to work on their attentiveness and responsibility in keeping agreements to ensure that we all can count on each other completely. Perhaps, a good way to address this matter is to create tasks with deadline in shared software which will serve as a reminder of agreements to both parties as well as a point of reference for the details of the agreement.

Lastly, all of us will have to learn to overcome the discomfort associated with admitting and confronting broken agreements in order to be able to maintain trustful and productive relationships. Perhaps, the above-mentioned software will serve as a record for each agreement which would make it impossible for the broken agreements to slip our attention. All in all, I am confident that learning how to effectively settle broken agreements now will serve as an advantage for building relationships in the future.

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