
The Legalization of Marijuana

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I. Attention getter: Marijuana is legal in only a few states, yet the majority of individuals have either tried pot at some point in their lives, or knows someone who has (Motel, 2015).

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II. Thesis / Introduce the Subject: In 2012, the many people were against the legalization of marijuana, but in recent years, those same people have changed their tune (Sullum, 2014). The fact of the matter is that marijuana has a host of benefits, including the medicinal, the economic, and on the legal system itself. Since 1969, the number of individuals that opposed the legalization of marijuana has continued to decrease, and of this year, the number of those who support its legalization now outweigh those that still oppose the legalization of the same (Motel, 2015).

III. Relevance to audience: The majority of college students have tried marijuana or have known someone who has; while it is true there are some adverse effects, the same holds true for any consumable substance, and by working to show the reasons for the legalization of the same, it will become possible to present the information to the audience that will be able to affect the most change in the completion of such a task. The audience is the future.

IV. Preview Statement: By removing marijuana from the criminal justice system and allowing for its regulation in a manner similar to that of alcohol or tobacco, it will be possible to reduce crime rates, increase the efficiency of the criminal justice system, and work to increase the benefits to society as a whole (Drug Policy Alliance, 2015).

Transition Statement: While there was a time when the criminalization of marijuana was more beneficial to the country, as a result of shifting views and an increased population, such is no longer the case.

Body – Problem / Solution

I. There are certain problems that have resulted in society due to the illegality of marijuana.
A. A “disproportionately high number of people of color (are) being incarcerated or otherwise negatively affected” as a result of the current illegality of marijuana (Ferner, 2012, p. 1; NAACP Backs Marijuana Legalization in Colorado, 2012).

1. Studies have shown that individuals of color are more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession, creating yet another racial inequality in the justice system (Ferner, 2012; NAACP Backs Marijuana Legalization in Colorado, 2012).
B. Marijuana has been shown to be less dangerous than alcohol or tobacco use, yet both of these are legal, whereas marijuana is not, in most places (Ferner, 2012). This creates another inequality in the justice system
C. The court systems are overrun with individuals on possession of marijuana charges, and overcrowding runs rampant, creating a problem for the prison systems (Carise, 2013; Miles, 2014; Riggs, 2012; Office of National Drug Control Policy, n.d.).

Transition Statement: In spite of these problems, there is still something that may be done to work to correct the matter. We must follow in the footsteps of Colorado, Washington state, and Alaska.

II. Solutions
A. By legalizing marijuana and regulating it, states will be able to gain increased income that may be used to fund public works projects, decrease the strain on the justice system, and work to increase funding toward education (Ferner, 2012).
1. The additional taxes that the state would receive as a result of the legalization of marijuana will work to reduce the budgetary difficulties of the state, while at the same time increase the overall amount of good that may be done by the state.
B. To accomplish such a task, students should become involved in politics, letting their politicians know that this is the best solution for the state, regardless of whether the individual will use the legalization of the same to partake in the use thereof.
C. Campaigns should be run to increase overall awareness of the use of marijuana as a drug and the use of the dregs left over in the production process as a means of making paper, cloth, and other sustainable products, working to decrease overall environmental impacts.

I. Transition Statement & Review of main points: Regardless of whether an individual chooses to partake in the use of marijuana themselves, the fact of the matter is that the illegality of marijuana currently works to reduce the overall effectiveness of the country. In working to legalize marijuana, state revenues will increase, the economy will get better, and the country can focus on matters that are more important, creating a winning situation for all.

II. Review of Thesis statement: In 2012, the many people were against the legalization of marijuana, but recent studies show that the perception of the people has changed. This country was founded by the people and for the people. If the people want something, is it not the government’s responsibility to work toward such a goal? The fact of the matter is that marijuana has a host of benefits, including the medicinal, the economic, and on the legal system itself.

III. End with a memorable statement: In the words of Barack Obama, “When I was a kid, I inhaled frequently. That was the point” (High Times, 2015, p. 1). If it is good enough for the president, it is good enough for the country and, as Carl Sagan, noted scientist points out, “The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world” (High Times, 2015, p. 1).

  • Carise, D. (2013). Legalizing Marijuana — The Real Costs. The Huffington Post. Retrieved 11 November 2015, from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/deni-carise/legalizing-marijuana-the-_b_3620472.html
  • Drug Policy Alliance. (2015). Marijuana Legalization and Regulation. Retrieved 11 November 2015, from http://www.drugpolicy.org/marijuana-legalization-and-regulation
  • Ferner, M. (2012). Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized. The Huffington Post. Retrieved 11 November 2015, from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/28/why-marijuana-should-be-legalized_n_1833751.html
  • High Times,. (2015). 10 Great Quotes about Marijuana. Retrieved 11 November 2015, from http://www.hightimes.com/read/10-great-quotes-about-marijuana
  • Miles, K. (2014). Just How Much The War On Drugs Impacts Our Overcrowded Prisons, In One Chart. The Huffington Post. Retrieved 11 November 2015, from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/10/war-on-drugs-prisons-infographic_n_4914884.html

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