
Career Goals Statement

371 words | 2 page(s)

From the time that I was a child, I have been interested in teeth. Everyone should be able to keep their natural teeth for as long as they can. Oral hygiene is important, the health of the mouth important in preventing gingivitis and even heart disease. Regular dental cleanings and brushing and flossing can prevent bacteria from building up, which can increase the likelihood of heart disease and Type 2 Diabetes .

In today’s age, people want a nice smile and I want to be part of the solution to helping individuals get that bright grin. People who have good teeth and a healthy smile are also more confident. Nobody should be afraid to smile and be who they are. I know people who have missing teeth and have been embarrassed by their smiles. I want to educate people on how to keep their teeth clean, so they do not have to get fillings, caps, and/or have teeth pulled. Instead of buying white strips that may not be healthy in the long run, people can get a white smile by just brushing teeth well and getting regular dental check-ups. White strips that contain Chlorine Dioxide can ruin tooth enamel .

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Once I become a dental hygienist, the HDA SEAL Mission is important to me, especially in the Spanish Community. I know that many people in the Hispanic Community are in poverty and often do not have enough money to receive dental care. Just affording health insurance can be difficult. I would like to be of service and an advocate to this population and work for a dental office that offers discounted and pro bono dental services. Kids should also be taught good oral hygiene at a young age. Prevention of cavities and subpar oral hygiene is important. I would like to organize free education sessions in the community where children are taught how to brush and floss properly and given free toothbrushes, toothpaste, and floss.

I am excited about beginning my dental hygienist journey.

  • The link between gum health and heart disease. (2016, June ). Retrieved from Delta Dental website: https://www.deltadentalins.com/oral_health/heart.html
  • Understanding whitening strips. (2016). Retrieved from Humana website : https://www.humana.com/learning-center/health-and-wellbeing/healthy-living/whitening-strips

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