
Career In Mechanical Engineering

742 words | 3 page(s)


Being one of the oldest and broadest of engineering disciplines, mechanical engineering is an attractive choice for any individuals who want to venture into the engineering field. The flexibility offered by the engineering field makes it an attractive choice. This flexibility originates from the fact that mechanical engineers are free to chose whether to work on improvement of already existing systems or to develop their own independent systems entirely. Mechanical engineering is a branch of engineering concerned with the design of achiness, their construction and proper use.

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Therefore, mechanical engineering is concerned with the design and construction of equipment that is used almost on a daily basis. In the field mechanical engineering, I would like to pursue a career in automotive parts design and manufacturing. I have always been fascinated by the functioning of the automotive engine and the relationship between the different components. I also have a good understanding of the concepts of mechanics which are core in the chosen career path.

Necessary Education
Mechanical engineering is founded on the principles of mathematics, mechanics, energy and heat, manufacturing, design and engineering sciences. Mechanics refers to motion of objects. Such objects can include simple fluids such as water flowing in a pipe to complex systems such as the components of a motor vehicle engine. A career in mechanical engineering will therefore require a good understanding of the above fundamental principles. For one to be successful in starting a career in mechanical engineering, one requires a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from and accredited university. Since am interested in automotive parts design and manufacturing, a bachelors degree will be adequate. The mechanical engineering programs include instruction in components of various systems including power systems and computer programming. Technical aspects of the degree course include instructions in thermodynamics, hydraulics and fluid mechanics. Furthermore, a basic knowledge of the concepts of electrical and chemical engineering is necessary for the completion of the program.

Furthermore, the program usually includes instruction on the fields where mechanical engineering is most commonly applies such as in environmental studies or in business. A masters or doctoral degree is important for a student seeking research position or development of the academic principles of mechanical engineering. In any cases, the private sector has more stringent recruiting systems and therefore the applicants are required to have a master’s degree in mechanical engineering. The students in engineering are expected to complete a thesis or dissertation to complete their degree programs depending on the level of engineering.

Important skills in automotive parts design and manufacturing
For a career in automotive part design and manufacture, one is required to have a particular skill set. The following are the most important skills required for success in the field. Firstly, the individual should have good problem solving skills especially as related to complex systems. These are particularly important in understanding the functioning of the many components. The skill will help the individual in identification of the complex systems such as engines. Secondly, the individual should have critical thinking skills in order to apply logical thinking in identification of strengths and weaknesses in different alternative solutions. Furthermore, the individual should exude good judgment and decision making skills. These will enable the individual compare alternatives especially in terms of cost and identify that alternative that maximizes efficacy while reducing cost.

Other required skills.
The individual should be a good listener to the points of view of others and taking time to understand their points of view. He should be able to incorporate the view of others in to improve his own ideas and should be able to pay attention to details. The individual should also be a quick thinker identifying problems quickly and coming up with possible solutions to that problem. Furthermore, one should have a good understanding of scientific principles in order to apply these in the design and manufacturing process.

Other Desired skills
The following skills will add proficiency of an individual in automotive part design and manufacturing. Good oratory skills will enable them convince others to their point of view. Operational analyses skills will help the individual analyze the problem and come up with a suitable design to solve the problem. Good system evaluation skills will enable the individual to evaluate the completed system for weaknesses and strengths. Furthermore, active learning skills will hel the individual incorporate newly learned ideas in the design of new components therefore improving on old designs.

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