
Engineering Essay Examples

Hydraulic fracturing, also knowing as fracking, is a mining technique used for mining natural gases and petroleum, in which a wellbore is created and liquid solution of water, sand and chemicals is shot into it at high pressure. From this, small fractures are created in the rock, and out of...

716 words | 3 page(s)

I am sure we all recall watching the pirate movies on the TV where the captain tells the First Mate to bring the ship about and he begins to turn the rudder wheel what seems like hundreds of revolutions in order for the ship to begin turning. This was because...

1335 words | 5 page(s)

In recent years, the Unites States in general has resolved to better the living conditions of its residents. There has been a consistent move to improve living standards by offering better quality houses and buildings with benefits not provided by traditional construction. In fact, today traditional housing is giving way...

2963 words | 6 page(s)

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Engine noise largely contributes to the overall sound level, causing noise pollution in the areas where the turbine engines are widely used. This problem has raised a necessity to develop the technologies that would minimize noise while maximizing the productivity of the engine. The noise reduction technologies are derived from...

652 words | 3 page(s)

As I grew up from my childhood, many things such as bridges, roads, buildings, and other structures become fascinating to me in the manner in which they came to exist. The magnificent nature of the civil and structural pieces of work in different parts of the world has become the...

650 words | 3 page(s)

There are many branches of engineering, and each of them signifies and important component of the engineering as such. During the presentation, most of the dimensions of the electric engineering were addressed by prof. Dr. Mousavinezhad. In particular, professor stressed on the importance of power structures, evolutionary procedures and outlined...

309 words | 2 page(s)

I have been intrigued with mechanical engineering since I was young. I would marvel at the ways that different isolated parts of mechanical devices worked together to achieve unified mechanical functions. This sense of intrigue and wonder has not disappeared as I have grown; in fact, my curiosity has only...

620 words | 3 page(s)

This particular documentary details the development of architecture in ancient Egypt. Because this ran on the history channel, it views wonderful acts of civil engineering through the lens of the personalities that commissioned the projects. Things in Egypt, it seems, did not simply appear organically. They appeared because great leaders...

321 words | 2 page(s)

In 2015, electricity generation in the US was about 4 trillion kilowatts. The share of the energy sources were: Coal = 33%, Natural gas = 33%, Nuclear = 20%, Hydropower = 6%, Renewable sources (wind, solar, biomass, geothermal) = 7% and petroleum = 1%. Fossil fuel (coal, natural gas, and...

684 words | 3 page(s)

Savage starts off by looking at children who display signs of being future engineers. He shows that these are the types of children who are interested in constructing things, and asks if the reader likes to work in and outdoors, enjoys solving problems, and is good at high grade maths....

400 words | 2 page(s)

For an engineer to establish a firm and fast threshold career while at the same time seeking to be more innovative, an engineer is required to ensure a right balance between idealistic and realistic nature. Inventing something in today’s world requires individuals to be practical at all times. However, the...

752 words | 3 page(s)

Civil engineering remains to be one of the oldest professions in the field of Engineering. It is the heart of civilization. The schools, hospitals, factories and every other large institution need a civil engineer. According to Dr. Bruce, civilization was a result of man trying to alter the environment to...

294 words | 1 page(s)

There are different activities in which engineers are involved, and they vary depending on the given tasks. A given presentation specifically focuses on the activities of mechanical engineers. One of the explicit activities which require an involvement of mechanical engineers is aerospace and technology. There, a specific sense of technology...

311 words | 2 page(s)

In his presentation Dr . Hossein dwelled majorly on electrical engineering. At some point, he explained the cell phone bock diagram. According to him, he termed the cell phone as an electrical engineering project, which entails many features. The features include microphones, filters, Analog to Digital Converter, Digital to Analog...

331 words | 2 page(s)

The Reddit Lightbulb page is full of cool ideas that improve the general quality of life. I found that out of all the ideas, the most intriguing were the ideas of having LED roads for nighttime driving, and the idea that there could be glow in the dark floor tiles...

600 words | 3 page(s)

Bruce Savage is a Ph.D., P.E, and Associate Professor and Chairman at Idaho State University. Mr. Savage worked put an extensive presentation “Opportunities in Civil Engineering.” His presentation intertwines knowledge, insights, fascination, and humor in order to cover a chosen topic. The author logically goes through the most important issues...

398 words | 2 page(s)

Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) is one of the controversial issues today across the world. GMOs refers to the unique organisms whose genetic material has been altered to enhance its productivity and quality (Whitman, 2). These organisms have raised a lot of debates due to their benefits that include but not...

367 words | 2 page(s)

Dr. Leung’s lecture summarizing Environmental Engineering discussed the career field aspects of the discipline such as major subfields; career paths and ‘timeline’; median, high and low salary estimates; lifetime salary expectations; ‘hot topics’ in the field, job prospects – availability and security, as well as rewards of participating in the...

411 words | 2 page(s)

Mechanical engineering is a unique branch of science that comprises a broad range of disciplines. Modern world changes quickly due to engineering technologies and solutions. One can hardly imagine the life without household appliances, vehicles, utilities, etc. All engineering achievements make our life better and more convenient. The engineering will...

302 words | 2 page(s)

Introduction Art entails creativity and coming up things that tell people about their culture, beliefs, politics, and economy, while engineering is a scientific field that deals with coming up with problem-solving equipment and tools that can make human activities easier (Mahajan, 2014). Like arts, engineering is also about creativity and...

805 words | 3 page(s)

Transportation and Highway Engineering represents a complex application of basic engineering skills and critical thinking to solve a basic urban planning and societal problem. Every single person who commutes in an urban area has experienced the frustration and difficulty of traffic and gridlock. Yet this is not necessary. Transportation and...

288 words | 1 page(s)

It is creative. It is innovative. A young woman says that you can have a tremendous impact on people’s lives. A young man says he loves the challenge and the problem solving. A young woman says the filed needs people with diverse backgrounds, skills, and abilities. The man says he...

543 words | 2 page(s)

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to discuss the problem of engineering tools for scientific discovery within the context of the use of engineering techniques and methods for space exploration. Two research articles are compared and contrasted. What the articles share in common—though they differ in their applications and...

895 words | 3 page(s)

Becoming a licensed mechanical engineer is known to be challenging, but according to Mary Hofle, when one is done, the career is rewarding. There are numerous areas where one can opt to specialize in, including biomedical, aerospace or even agriculture. What stands out strongly is based on the fact that...

324 words | 2 page(s)

The Teton Dam Failure of June 1976 was caused by the weak background of the soil and rhyolite, used to support the dam. In case the engineers did not use the weak combination of soil and cracked rhyolite, the failure would not occur. The Soyano Shuchenskya Hydroelectric Plant destruction of...

355 words | 2 page(s)

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