
Johnson and Johnson’s

322 words | 2 page(s)

According to MarketingTeacher.com, Johnson and Johnson’s major product categories include the pharmaceuticals, medical devices & diagnostics, and consumer healthcare. The consumer healthcare product lines include feminine hygiene, denture care, and contraceptives (MarketingTeacher).

As far as the company’s pricing strategy is concerned, it closely monitors the consumer pricing index in setting prices for its products such as those in the healthcare category. Johnson and Johnson also closely works with the government to ensure its products remain affordable for the targeted consumer segments (MarketingTeacher).

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The company distributes its products through a wide range of distribution channels such as over-the-counter (OTC), retail chains like Target, and online outlets such as Wholesale.com, WUZ Group, and ShopatHome.com (MarketingTeacher).

The promotional strategies employed by Johnson and Johnson include sales coupons and sales discounts, especially, for healthcare products such as the contact lens and baby care. The company also develops advertising campaigns to raise awareness about its health lifestyle products (MarketingTeacher).

As far as the management and competitive strategy is concerned, the company encourages its employees to adhere to high customer service standards when dealing with the customers. The company spends significant resources on research and product development activities to enhance its profitability. The company’s leaders are responsible for allocating the company resources to different product lines (Ferrell, Hirt, & Ferrell, 2013). The company’s marketing department closely monitors the consumer behavior across the country to stay in touch with the existing trends.

It is clear Johnson and Johnson has a well-developed marketing strategy (MarketingTeacher). However, I believe the company can further improve by developing a close working relationship with a logistics company like FedEx that should enable it to reduce its transportation costs as well as speed up healthcare products delivery to rural parts of the country.

  • Ferrell, O. C., Hirt, G., & Ferrell, L. (2013). Business: A Changing World (9th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education. Print.
  • MarketingTeacher. (n.d.). Johnson and Johnson Marketing Mix. Retrieved April 11, 2016. Web.

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