
Virtualization in the Cloud

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Technological advancements have contributed greatly to the increased efficiency in most businesses. Virtualization is one of the technologies which has impacted greatly on computing in many business organizations. Cloud virtualization can be defined as the technology of providing an abstraction layer which links a given computer hardware as well as the software running on them. In this paper, I seek to find a Microsoft desktop virtualization tool which will be appropriate for the company’s CIO to deliver an operating system and support environment on at least 1000 desktops. The corresponding cost of the project will as well be provided.

Let’s consider that the 1000 desktops are all operating on the normal windows 7 professional and an upgrade is required. Due to the benefits associated with Desktop Visualization as opposed to physical virtualization, the CIO decides to adopt it in the installation of the upgrade operating system. Owing to a wide range of benefits associated with Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) as outlined below, the company chooses to use it to have the 1000 desktops use the new operating system. The company will as well use the blade technology to support this environment.

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Benefits of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
Some of the benefits associated with Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) are:
Reduction in the organizational cost since the 1000 desktops will use one operating system and supporting environment hosted in a single server at the expense of having all operating system and supporting environment installed in all the desktops. The administrators will only be required to install drivers, applications and patches only once ad every use will benefit from that single update.
It is easier to troubleshoot problems a condition which also lowers the maintenance cost. This is unlike the normal case of support stuff physically moving to all the computers in case of a problem. In Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) the problem will only be solved from the single serve.

Implementation of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
In this structure, a single desktop inform of a server will be used as our virtual machine to install the operating system and the supporting environment. There will be a remote access terminal which will be used to access all the applications which have been installed on a central server/ virtual machine and which will be present to all the 1000 desktops. A network will be provided which will be meant to support the remote access of the server containing the operating system by the 1000 desktops (D. A. B. Fernandes et al. 2014). The network will be made in a way that it will support peak load of each of the 1000 desktops by giving an adequate bandwidth. The server which forms the heart of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) will be chosen and it should be in a position to support the peak processing demand of the 1000 desktops. Security which is a key aspect will then have been implemented using malwares and antivirus software (A. Roy et al. 2015). The servers which will be used to centrally install the operating system will be located in a single data center with adequate ventilation.

Estimated Cost
It is important to note that, the supporting environment will use Blade Technology. The servers will be located in a single Data Centre. The following is a cost breakdown of the major component in this project:
Blades/Servers Quantity – 11
Blades/Servers Unit Price $18,000.00
Blades/Servers Price – $198,000.00
Storage –SAN (100,000 IOPS+) Quantity- 1
Storage –SAN (100,000 IOPS+) Unit Price – $280,000.00
Storage –SAN (100,000 IOPS+) Price – $280,000.00
Cost of Putting up the Data Centre –$ 410, 000.00
Thin Clients Cost – 90 by $ 350 – $31500
The cost of implementation service – $170,000.00
The Total Cos of Investment – $1, 089, 500.00

  • D. A. B. Fernandes et al. (2014). Security issues in cloud environments: a survey. Special Issue Paper, 13:113–170, 1-59.
  • A. Roy et al. (2015). Secure the Cloud: From the Perspective of a Service-Oriented Organization. ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 47, No. 3, Article 41, 1-31. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2693841

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