Coal mine safety earned its way onto the congressional agenda for a number of reasons. For one, it ended up on the agenda primarily because of national exposure brought on by traumatic events. Causes end up on agendas for a number of reasons, but mostly, they end up there because...
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There have been numerous earthquakes throughout history. In 2015, Nepal experienced one of the worst earthquakes in history (Hayes et al., 2015). A 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit Nepal in between the major cities of Pakhara and Kathmandu. The results were devastating. More than 5,000 people were killed, while more than...
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As the population grows, the world is facing increasing demand for sources of food and jobs. Fishing provides an answer to both of these needs. However, there is a high cost for our overzealous fishing of the world’s oceans. The last several years have seen numerous advances in fishing technology...
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The ocean is comprised of many different layers; understanding what those layers are and the physical causes of those layers is the first step in exploring that which takes up the majority of our planet. There are three different factors that work in conjunction to determine the density of the...
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The emphasis on environmental issues for the changes to our oceans has lagged behind the changes humans have made to land. It was not until the nineties that the notion of ocean health has grabbed the attention of the media and ordinary people. Historically, the oceans were one that countries...
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Known Size of Population The mountain gorilla is a critically endangered species (CR species) and is need desperate need of a number of conservation efforts. The mountain gorilla exists both along the coasts of eastern Africa and also in South-East Asia and throughout China. Currently, the size of the population...
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Scientists have for a long time presumed that undersea volcano activity is a slow and steady flow of lava along the mid-ocean ridges. However, a recent study by The Earth Institute indicates that undersea volcanoes erupt in regular cycles that range from two weeks to periods of over 100 000...
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Mining activities are critical for industrial concerns. Largely, mining resources provide energy that is necessary for sustaining the needs of societies. Production of plastics and fertilizers rely on oil extractions. Military technologies utilize uranium sources in the production of nuclear weapons, signifying the relevance of mining in providing homeland security....
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Fisheries Besides being a source of seafood protein, most people depend on Oceanic fishery as their only source of income and economic stability. Indeed, besides fishermen, the hotel and tourism industry depends largely on ocean fishery. However, overfishing has threatened Oceanic Fishery, and major marine species are now facing commercial...
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Life began on earth and in the oceans long before humans ever existed. Science has proven that life may have begun in the oceans and eventually evolved and moved to life on land. Understanding the origin of life in the ocean and how it moved to land is significant to...
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The most recent studies have indicated that about 1,360 watts per square meters (W/m2) of solar energy are directed to the outside atmosphere of the Earth. However, it is not only the amount of energy that reaches the Earth's surface that matters but also what the heat and the Sun...
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Wind power is one of the most renewable resources on the Planet. It is constant and constantly changing. It is estimated that if less than one percent of the Earth’s wind energy could be tapped into, it could replace every electrical based energy source for the entire world (Davidson). Wind...
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Geothermal energy refers to heat energy stored in the Earth's surface and crust, where energy is naturally produced by the Earth's seismic activity. Hot springs are the most common observable source of this type of energy being produced naturally. Geothermal energy production is the process of capturing this energy, such...
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“Physics is a systematic study of the natural world, particularly the interaction between matter and energy” (Helmenstine, 2017). According to this statement by Anne Helmenstine of Thoughtco.com, physics allows human beings to understand matter and energy on deeper levels as it pertains to how they cohabitate. With this information, and...
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The Earth and land we have been given in this life is a valuable asset that is taken for granted everyday. According to the book titled 'The Earth Charter' A Study Book of Reflection for Action written by Elisabeth M. Ferrero and Joe Holland there is many things that can...
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Question one The concept behind this website is to give real-time information on earthquake activity. Examples of such information include the magnitude of the quake, regions hit and even the exact times of the earthquakes. The website provides readily available data for research and knowledge purposes. Question two United States...
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Essence The primary focus of this lab is to determine the measure of the magnitude of the earth's magnetic field. Typically, the earth's magnetic field can be compared to that magnetic bar. One way of determining the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field is by measuring it using a...
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Abstract Over the years, earthquakes have been some of the most destructive natural disasters causing human death. Human activities form part of the factors that contribute to the increase in the number of fatalities that are earthquake-related. The exponentially burgeoning number of earthquakes, as well as earthquake-related deaths, baffles most...
968 words | 4 page(s)
The modern term Earth was derived from a number of different Middle English terms, which themselves were derived from the Old English word, eorðe. It is the only planet in our solar system that is not named after a Roman god/goddess. Earth is the fifth largest planet in our solar...
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The natural erosion process involves a breakdown of soil particles at a rate which is equal to the formation rate. Human activities interfere with the soil formation process and accelerate the erosion process, up to ten times faster (Landscape Planet 1). Consequentially, the ecosystem is affected and biodiversity threatened. Although...
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Introduction Earthquakes are also referred to as tremblors (Lomnitz, 2013). They are movements that occur in the earth crust causing a build-up of stress at points of weakness known as faults and the deformation of rocks. When they occur, earthquakes cause a lot of destruction. The amount of damage caused...
1380 words | 5 page(s)
I. Introduction The Grand Canyon is considered a geographic wonder of the world. Located in Arizona, the Grand Canyon is a canyon like no other, with spectacular views and brightly colored red and orange cliffs. At the bottom of the Grand Canyon is the Colorado River, and this landmark has...
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The earth’s surface has about 71% covered by water. In essence, this makes the third planet from the sun be known as the Blue Planet. Land, which is habitable and occupied by humans, only makes about twenty-nine percent of the planet. Among all the planets in the solar system, the...
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For this paper, the age of the earth will be discussed; both from the secular and Christian viewpoints. Reasons behind opinions concerning the age of the earth will be compared and contrasted, and evidence from both the Christian and secular points of view will be examined. The purpose of this...
1389 words | 5 page(s)