
Maritime Career

1231 words | 5 page(s)

Working in the maritime business is something in which I am extremely interested. In particular, I am most interested in beginning a career with a company to which I can devote my career. Since I am currently twenty-years-old, I have a professional career ahead of me involving thirty to forty more years of work. In this day and age when workers skip around from one company to another, I am somewhat of an anomaly in the fact that I want to apprentice with the same company that I will retire with thirty or forty years down the road. Therefore, I am appealing to the Hornbeck Offshore Company to hire me as an apprentice in its Apprenticeship Training Program so that I can learn everything about the maritime business. Hornbeck has a stellar relationship in the business for its devotion to teamwork and a dedicated , skilled workforce. I want to be part of that atmosphere and learning process.

Being two years out of high school, I have a maturity that belies my young age. For the past year and a half, I have worked in the telecommunications industry as a tower technician. I had to learn the business from the ground up, quite literally. I worked extremely hard, oftentimes putting in sixteen hour days, so that I could master all that the job had to teach me. During that time, I proved to my superiors that I was not afraid of brutally difficult work as I learned how to successfully navigate the requirements of the job. As part of my job I had to climb telecommunications poles to repair wiring. This gave me the opportunity to learn how to use a plethora of hand tools. Did I have days where things went wrong? Of course I did. That is part of the learning process and serves to make one more cognizant of how to successfully navigate a particular job.

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The reason I want to change careers at this point is because I cannot go very much further in the job in which I am currently engaged. In fact, my telecommunications job is just that–a job. What I want though is a career. I have lived in Slidell, LA, for most of my life, so I grew up knowing people who worked in the maritime industry. From discussions with these workers to my own individual research, I have determined that this job would be better suited for my life goals of wanting to work hard to be successful at a career. I have spent time researching Hornbeck in particular, and I feel that my values most closely align with the company’s values which have served to make it a leader in the industry.

Value, integrity, commitment and excellence are the values that Hornbeck most values as do I. The company realizes that they work in a service industry, and I feel that is what sets them apart from other businesses in the industry. It also encourages their employees to give their best efforts in the spirit of service for their customers. Hornbeck truly wants to be the company of choice which drives their dedication to providing the best service and hiring the best people. Because they value service, Hornbeck treats its employees accordingly. The company’s leaders also have far sightedness in developing new vessels and methodology for employing those vessels. Subsequently, they have had the far sightedness to realize the importance of hiring people who can operate the machinery.

Another characteristic of Hornbeck that attracts me is the relatively young age of its management team. The senior management team has an average of twenty seven years experience in the marine transportation and service industry. They know what it takes to be successful in the business and have a clear vision for achieving that success. Hornbeck’s management systems and compensation philosophy fosters an ownership mentality among all of its employees. As a result, its growth rates, margins, and financial returns far surpass those of other companies in the industry. This entrepreneurial spirit and culture pervades the company’s workforce and operations resulting in energy and enthusiasm among its employees. This is why I want to be part of such a growing, well respected company.

The company’s Apprentice Training Program will afford me the opportunity to become a future officer in the fleet. Furthermore, the ATP will offer me a chance to build a base of expertise while expanding my professional acumen thereby becoming a contributing member of the company’s workforce. Since this is a highly competitive training program, I want to iterate the fact that I meet all of the qualifications to be offered a position. I am a motivated high school graduate, and I have both a high school diploma and a high school transcript as hard copy evidence of that. I am above average in math skills, so I would have no problems with the math entrance exam. My personality profile is in strict alignment with someone who is well suited for hard work and taking direction. I think that my profile will show that I am dedicated, loyal, and disciplined. I am in excellent shape since I run, workout with weights, and play sports. I do not anticipate that the USCG physical exam will present any problems as I do not have any diseases or conditions that would prohibit my ability to successfully complete the ATP. I have never done drugs, nor do I do them now, so the DOT drug screen will not be a problem. I have never had any arrests or legal problems, so a background investigation will not yield any negative findings on me or my family. If I am fortunate enough to be selected for this program, I will have no problem with attending classes during my off-time and working an evening time schedule in order to complete the ATP schooling.

I want to spend the rest of my professional career in the maritime industry. Specifically speaking, I want to spend it with Hornbeck. I feel that I have the personality and the qualifications that the company is seeking. If selected for the ATP, it would be the beginning of a mutually satisfying working relationship. I have always been interested in doing this type of work. I am not a “desk” person, so to be in a job where I sat all day doing paperwork would be something I would not wish to do. My wish in life is to have a successful career with a company that appreciates me. I want a maritime career so that I can have the chance to be a disciplined, hard worker who can problem solve, create solutions, and be service oriented. With Hornbeck, there is so much opportunity for spreading out in so many directions within the company. I want the chance to take advantage of all of those opportunities and move up the company ladder. Hornbeck presents the most awesome opportunity for me to make all of my professional dreams come true. If I am selected for the ATP, I will work to prove myself and will not rest until I have successfully completed the program and advanced as far as I can go in the company. In turn, the company will benefit greatly from my dedication. As I stated earlier, it will be a mutually beneficial, symbiotic if you will, working relationship.

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