
Personal Statement

748 words | 3 page(s)

It is important for people to maintain a healthy diet in order to live a quality life. My grandmother, at ninety-two years old is very sprightly and healthy. She is my source of inspiration where the benefits of good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are concerned. Information on the importance of practicing healthy lifestyle habits are highlighted daily on the internet and news headlines. However, despite the widespread information on healthy living and diet, many people still make poor lifestyle choices in regards to healthy eating and healthy living. My aim after studying dietetics is to come up with solutions to these problems and to hopefully minimize the prevalence of obesity.

I graduated from Mississippi State University in July 2014, with a bachelor’s degree in Food Science, Nutrition and Health Promotion. My short term goal is to become a registered dietitian and work at a weight loss resort in Austin, TX. This would enhance my dream of promoting a health and fitness culture. My long term goal is to gain experience in dietetics and have my own practice to encourage people to maintain a healthy weight through proper dieting and exercising. Currently, I am training to be a yoga instructor to further help me accomplish these goals. Helping people realize their weight loss objective is my ambition.

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Thanks to many Registered Dietitians, I have done over 200 hours of field practice in various facilities. The field practice enabled me to put into practice the theoretical studies I learned in class. A good example is the classroom study of Nutrition Assessment and Medical Nutrition Therapy where we used The ADIME process of note writing in case studies. In my field practice, I acquired hands-on experience in assessing patients at Ocean Springs Nursing Home and North Mississippi Medical Center; which helped me conceptualize my classroom studies better and gave me a head start in my career. I need to gain advanced skills in helping people to achieve a healthy weight by engaging in physical activity. I have some training in yoga instruction, but I am interested in joining Delta State University in order to learn about sports nutrition in the coordinated program in dietetics. The opportunity will give me the skills to achieve my goal of helping people struggling with obesity achieve their ideal weight. Besides that, the coordinated program is a great program that will offer numerous learning and career growth opportunities.

I seek registration at Delta State University because I believe I have what it takes to become a good dietitian; a belief in people, work ethic and motivation. In my recent job at Singing River Healthplex, my positive attitude went a long way in convincing the clients to adopt healthy lifestyle practices. Most of them kept coming back for more information. An opportunity to learn at Delta State University will help me improve my ability to teach and influence people towards healthy living. I have gained an excellent work ethic during the various jobs I have had such as working as a wellness coach at Time for Nutrition. I intend to use my skills in my studies to enable me study efficiently and gain as much more as I can from the University. I intend to contribute to research work at the university in order to come up with relevant innovations. An opportunity to study at Delta State University will equip me with skills to help people embrace physical fitness and healthy eating.

I need to further my education in order to improve my knowledge in nutrition, and my organization skills. I have recognized some of my weaknesses and deficiencies in knowledge. I am currently working on my areas of limitation, one of which is planning ahead to avoid last minute rush in my projects. I believe that Delta State University will give me the opportunity to learn more about dietetics and sports nutrition that will make me a better practitioner.

I plan to use my skills as a registered dietitian to teach and demonstrate to people the importance of healthy diets and lifestyles. I will work hard to achieve my goals and work in an environment where I will enjoy assisting patients in weight loss and to live a healthy lifestyle. I hope to live as long as my grandmother has, to remain strong and youthful. I will then teach my grandchildren the long-term benefits of making and maintaining positive lifestyle decisions when they are young.

Thank you for considering my application for the dietetic internship program.

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