
Marketing Essay Examples

Launching the smart parker pen in the market will require funds to market and promote the product to its target consumers, in this case the professional, tech savvy demographics of the market. Westwood (2016) proposes that the marketing plan for new products should involve examining the different product launch phases,...

1035 words | 4 page(s)

Consumer promotions, which are also called sales promotions, “are regarded as a technique that brings about direct sales increase” (Yi & Yoo, 2011, p. 880). There are seven such techniques which are used to influence sales. They are usually used in conjunction with advertising campaigns to increase visibility (Stilley &...

979 words | 4 page(s)

1) A distribution channel is a set of interdependent organizations that make available for use products or services. My contention would be that the most important marketing channel for a new product would be the product availability. As a new product or business, the product availability will vary with the...

512 words | 2 page(s)

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The Korean k-pop group, BTS, has quickly emerged as one of the most popular worldwide acts as of 2018, generating massive audiences through various live performances and appearances that are often streamed to a global audience. While the band's quirky and upbeat sound has contributed to their success, marketing and...

993 words | 4 page(s)

E-commerce is the facilitation or trading in products or services using computer network. Such computer networks include online social network or the internet. This kind of trading draws on technologies as automated data collection, electronic funds, internet marketing, mobile commerce, supply chain management and electronic data interchange (EDI). The UK...

1005 words | 4 page(s)

E-commerce is a new area of business that is essentially changing the way in which clients and business interact. While e-commerce platforms are excellent for conducting business operations, they are some few factors to consider which will guarantee the best outcomes for the business. Among these important factors includes the...

333 words | 2 page(s)

Australia is a relatively small market, in terms of size, as compared to global market size for tablets. However, despite this the Australian tablet market is considered to be a mature market. (Reilly, 2014) With over 9.4 million of the population owning tablet PCs by the end of 2013, the...

1329 words | 5 page(s)

The IMC tools that have been used in the past to promote the Apple Watch brand are advertising, personal selling, direct marketing, and sales promotion. Direct marketing allows for direct communication by Apple Watch Company with its users (Finne & Grönroos, 2017). Some of the tools used in direct marketing...

802 words | 3 page(s)

Marketing plan and strategy are very critical in ensuring a newly introduced product will reach the targeted consumers. This will dictate chances of a product either failing or succeeding in earlier stages of product life cycle. Apple’s iPhone has been viewed as an exceptional product. Marketing goals The main objective...

487 words | 2 page(s)

Potential B2B Markets Our company’s Apple iWatch is a perfect fit for target markets including manufacturing and technology workers, as well as sale force workers. In each of these segments, it is probably less about the B2B end user wanting to purchase a wearable for their employees, as it is...

853 words | 3 page(s)

The sales and marketing section covers the typical 4Ps of marketing which include; product/service, place, promotion, and price. This segment outlines a plan that will utilize the four aspects of marketing to establish a market presence and attracts more customers in the target market (Khan, 2014). This constitutes the marketing...

1307 words | 5 page(s)

Competition between firms has become more intense due to globalization and so is the need to differentiate oneself from the competition. This has been working to the advantage of marketing field because companies understand marketing activities such as customer service can be one of the most valuable tools to build...

903 words | 4 page(s)

Introduction First it is important to introduce this topic by defining the function of social media. Here is a quote by accomplished authors, Safko and Brake, “The term social media encompasses all of the interactions between people online all the ways they participate in and share information, knowledge, and opinions...

1880 words | 6 page(s)

Wannebego County, Illinois The demographic statistical data pertaining to Illinois within the Winnebago County spreadsheet is reflective of a population that is spread just about even between male (49%) and female (51%) with Winnebago County falling just below the male (48.8%) statistical average for Illinois and just above the female...

2363 words | 6 page(s)

Introduction The tourism sector in is among many other industries that peg their popularity and success by means of publicity. The services and products that tourism offers to the consumers, must also comply with the relevant government policies and regulations. It must thus, be understood from the outset that tourism...

349 words | 2 page(s)

Nike is a well-known force and global powerhouse within the sportswear, leisure and shoe industries. Offering options of athletic gear, shoes and sports equipment, Nike enjoys the visibility of being one of the most recognized brands in the world. Its slogan “Just Do It” has permeated minds across the world....

640 words | 3 page(s)

The exact definition of the term “market research” can vary widely, depending on who is creating or touting a given definition. A generally accepted definition is that market research is the application of scientific discovery methods to marketing decision-making. There are as many methods of researching markets as there are...

549 words | 2 page(s)

The Whole Foods Market business was founded in the United States of America year of 1980 by John Mackey, who the current CEO (Chief Executive Officer) is serving the business. Since then, the company has grown to base in different locations around the globe. These places include the United Kingdom...

1199 words | 4 page(s)

The zip code used for this study is 20724. This is located in Maryland. The region is made up of a population of 16,691 who are mostly adults with of median age of 35 year. The top quartile of wealthy individual seems to have kids and the average income per...

633 words | 3 page(s)

Price discrimination is a concept employed by firms for various reasons. The phrase is used to refer a situation where firms charge different prices for different consumer classes. There are different classes of price discrimination, but the focus in this one is the degree price discrimination, where firms charge different...

932 words | 4 page(s)

The airline company wishes to gain market shares in previously untapped markets. In order to do so, it has decided to provide travel to alternative markets, specifically International Educational Tours, offering discounted group rates to students who are travelling internationally with a teacher for the purposes of a school trip...

633 words | 3 page(s)

There are a variety of research tools that are utilized when creating primary and secondary research. By working to review the differences between primary and secondary research, it will be possible to determine the best marketing research tools for each, and whether or not those research tools are best utilized...

614 words | 3 page(s)

Ogden Publishing is a magazine publication dedicated to promoting the green movement and environmental issues. Their target market consists of people who are connected to environmental and rural agricultural issues. Their primary market identifies with an earth-friendly with a conscientious lifestyle. Their products are traditionally a print magazine, but now...

324 words | 2 page(s)

Blue Sky is a company that produces and markets custom-made casual wear for customers who love being outdoors. Their products are tailor made for those who love participating in outdoor activities. Target market Blue Sky’s target market is young people who are very active especially between the ages of 25...

390 words | 2 page(s)

Information continues to pour out of laboratories and become published as a result of scientific studies that have been done regarding the physical effects of smoking on the body, especially in light of the fact that more and more individuals in societies around the world are becoming increasingly health conscious....

721 words | 3 page(s)

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