Near the close of the first decade of the new millennium, Microsoft faced harrowing marketing challenges for its new operating system (OS), Windows 7, as a direct result of its predecessor’s disastrous launch and subsequent performance in 2007 and 2008. Contrasted sharply with Microsoft XP’s good looking graphical interface, high-scoring...
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Introduction The debate about the supported hardware and device drivers of Linux and Windows has lasted for several years. Linux is the operating system of computers that is built under the open and free software distribution and development. The most significant component of Linux is the Linux Kernel that was...
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A clean installation requires the formatting a hard drive whereas an upgrade is done whenever the user does not need to perform a format of their hard drive. Clean installation Advantages: Ability to start from scratch without any bloatware or trial software that might have come pre-installed with the computer...
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Choosing the right operating system is an important choice that will affect the compatibility and usability of the system. Although other choices in operating systems are now available, Mac and Windows are still the two most popular choices on the consumer market. Consumers often feel loyal to one or the...
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Start is back! And other features. Microsoft is adding a host of new features to their new OS. Here is a brief description of the most anticipated new gadgets. First of all Start is back! The traditional start button has returned with all of your favorite features. Instead of opening...
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PowerShell"s basis is script commands and processes (Genesereth, 1994). These scripts help an individual execute computer processes which would have been hard to perform without the scripts. Scripts also help fix computer issues such as updating software and installing certain software on a computer (Genesereth, 1994). Once an individual has...
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This research encompasses the field of Cloud Computing where it addresses one of the pressing issues faced in the field today. Research Question How can we improve job productivity in cloud computing? The research question is answered using a proposed framework. This framework lays out ways in which productivity can...
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Virtualization and cloud computing are two words that are often used interchangeably to mean the same thing, but they are to some extend different. Virtualization can be used to a verb to mean going virtual. Alternatively, virtualization would also be used when referring to software that enables firms and organizations...
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Introduction The First World Bank established in 1944 currently has over one hundred and twenty offices worldwide. The banks’ savings and loan task team together with the network engineer has come up with various systems aimed at automating its operation to create efficiency. The team has proposed some servers that...
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Windows Firewall came with the release of SP2 for Windows XP. It contained a number of significant improvements compared to ICF and was included in the default OS. For some time, the latter fact often led to the failure of many legacy applications, and the necessity to set specific tasks...
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COMPROMISING A LINUX ONLINE SYSTEM When a server is hacked or compromised, most often resources like the CPU will be consumed 100% for simple tasks like email spamming, crypt currency and or lunch of attack using DOS. Therefore the first sign that a system is compromised is a slow system...
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1. The similarities between Mac OS X and Linux are highly similar, and therefore there are minimal hardware requirement differences between them. The main difference is that Mac OS X is proprietary, which means that there are only a limited number of drivers recognized by Mac OS X. Similarly, Apple...
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In my opinion, the progress reached with the Microsoft Universal Windows application is a significant step forward for the company and its integration to the app market. The universal windows platform brings Microsoft closer to Java Developments. It offers a lot of useful pictures, such as effective pixels and scaling,...
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Abstract A business enterprise that uses computerized systems, at one point, has to choose the right operating system to run its applications. Automation of tasks and the use of various Information Systems such as Office Automation Systems (OAS) have to be supported by reliable operating systems. Windows Operating Systems, developed...
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Windows PowerShell is a programming language that uses object-oriented interactive prompt and supports scripts. It was developed by Microsoft for exclusive use on the Windows platform but later made open-source for use in other platforms as PowerShell Core. It was made for system administrators to help them in automating tasks...
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Unix was developed by AT&T and designed in a way that provides a programmers feel to the operations and functions. Unlike other operating systems, it has a filing system that works as its main mode of communication. Unix has also sparked the creation of a programming language commonly known as...
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Over decades, Windows operating systems have been part of our society. The evolving technology of these operating systems is evidence of the progress we’ve made as humans, but these technological advances also often times serve a function to get us ready for what’s next. Windows operating systems have not simply...
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The prospect of Wi-Fi in two minutes is very appealing. This article seeks to demonstrate the rubrics in and around the tutorial guiding the setup of such a system using the Xirrus Rapid Deployment Kit. What the Tutorial Teaches The tutorial gives a guide on how to set up a...
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Technologies are the phenomenon that has a great impact on modern society. It affects almost all the spheres of social life, including education and learning. Moreover, contemporary children are fully acquainted with the world of computers nowadays. It means that teachers should have a rich knowledge of both traditional educational...
1018 words | 4 page(s)
Question 1 Hypertext can be defined as the association of data units into associated affiliations that a user can make. Historically we can derive two origin points of hypertext, Memex, and Xanadu. On creation by Dr. Vannevar Bush, the grandfather of hypertext was based on the premise of extension of...
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Over the past few decades, the world has witnessed an increase in the volume of computer reliance. In fact, the field of computer science and information technology grows so fast that it is virtually recognizable from a few years ago. In addition, the rate of change has been accelerating over...
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Cloud computing has brought new possibilities in the computing world. Through remote storage, life has been made a lot easier (Haag & Cummings, 2013). If the cloud was to disappear, I would be affected in, many ways. To start with, I have most of my personal documents archived and stored...
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The debate has been ongoing regarding which product is better, HP laptop or MacBook laptops. This paper will argue that MacBook laptops are actually cheaper in the long run. It will also prove that MacBook laptops are easier to repair if something goes wrong. And lastly MacBook laptops are easier...
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Introduction Swift is a small upcoming company that deals in shoes and clothing sales across New York and targeting a larger market across the USA. Their business is very demanding and requires that goods constantly flow in and out of the dedicated warehouses to be imported overseas (Baburajan, 2011). Today,...
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COMPANY HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE The technological needs of a Pizza company to implement the use of computerized system in its day to day operations would initially require the conduction of a research and documentation of findings to aid in performing a requirements analysis of the Pizza Company. The project entails...
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