
Career Essay Examples

Challenges arise daily in the business world. However, some challenges are most certainly more challenging than others. I encountered one of these issues several years ago as a Senior Information Technology (IT) Manager. As we all are painfully aware, the global recession has been a tremendous struggle for both businesses...

521 words | 2 page(s)

The purpose of this paper is to take an in depth look at two financial career options (financial managers and investment bankers) which someone with an education in finance might pursue. This incorporates an explanation of the value that such a post would add to a company. I also discuss...

1045 words | 4 page(s)

Rabe-Hemp, Cara. “Survival in an ‘All Boys Club’: Policewomen and Their Fight for Acceptance.” Policing 31.2 (2008): 251-270. ProQuest. Web. 30 June 2014. This article reports the results of the qualitative research into American policewomen’s experiences. While the career of a police officer has been subject to gender bias for...

313 words | 2 page(s)

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Working in the maritime business is something in which I am extremely interested. In particular, I am most interested in beginning a career with a company to which I can devote my career. Since I am currently twenty-years-old, I have a professional career ahead of me involving thirty to forty...

1231 words | 5 page(s)

Background Perhaps the most notable feature of my personal background is my immigration status. I was born and raised in the West African nation of Nigeria and four years ago, I fulfilled a life-long dream when I became a naturalized citizen of the United States of America. Unlike many other...

605 words | 3 page(s)

In today’s world, a university education is integral in achieving one’s personal and career goals. A degree from an esteemed university or college will open many career and professional doors that may otherwise remain closed. Furthermore, by obtaining an advanced degree one demonstrates the discipline, drive and dedication necessary for...

421 words | 2 page(s)

There are a lot of dynamics when it comes to a new employee joining a company. This paper will look at some reasons why orientation programs are helpful. When a new employee joins a company, there can be a lot of nervous interaction at first. The employee doesn't know very...

342 words | 2 page(s)

My short term career goals that I wish to achieve within the next three years, include gaining a contract at a global law firm in London after gaining the qualification of solicitor. In the meantime, in order to make myself more marketable and knowledgeable, I will work towards a Master's...

969 words | 4 page(s)

Section 1 Accounting is mainly concerned with preparation, updating and maintenance of financial documents. The chief responsibilities in accounting include preparation and analysis of financial documents, ensuring compliance of the existing laws in financial matters and compute taxes owed by people and ensuring they are paid on time (Siegel &...

706 words | 3 page(s)

Impact statement The vital contribution of an educated person to the immediate community that participates in the upbringing of the individual can never be understated. The skills, knowledge and experiences that the individual obtains from years of schooling play a critical role in shaping the social and economic aspects of...

629 words | 3 page(s)

Every job is hard to complete but eventually it brings certain rewards. Also, every job requires compassion, motivation and professional ambitions for its fulfillment. There are several reasons I would like to become a nurse, and the primary reason for me is helping other people. Since my early childhood, I...

555 words | 2 page(s)

My future career is bound to be defined by the place I come from – the place where people focus on the existence of oil; a place, in which oil defines numerous aspects of life. Oil is one of the primary undeniable sources of energy on the planet as it...

282 words | 1 page(s)

Section I My future career is Data, Information, Hardware and Software .The main aspect of my career is installation of computer hardware and software as well as management of data management systems for individuals and organizations (Weber, 2010). The application is dependent on the employers. The career has a wide...

704 words | 3 page(s)

Rutgers University is one of the oldest and most well respected research universities in the nation. With 60% of the undergraduates at the university engaging in original research, it is apparent that a Rutgers education not only prepares students for careers in the field that they desire. The education presented...

303 words | 2 page(s)

Accounting experts are responsible for the preparation and updating financial records. The accounting professionals have the proficiency in the protocols associated with the manipulation, computation and communication of financial information (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2014). Accounting professional undertake education at various levels and completion, certification is essential and competence assessments....

370 words | 2 page(s)

I have always believed in the importance of planning because it ensures one stays focused and take specific measures to increase the probability of successfully achieving goals. I have been accumulating capital for a while to ensure I am ready to take advantage of the opportunities when they may arrive...

244 words | 1 page(s)

Schwartz’s point of “Too many people react to uncertainty with denial. They create blind spots for themselves” can be applied to politics. Many historical events have been precipitated by politicians living in denial. For instance, Ronald Reagan giving out subprime loans in the 1980s to homeowners who would probably not...

400 words | 2 page(s)

Just like any other professionals, nurses seek career growth and advancement. Most nurses wish to climb up the career ladder to top management levels. The nursing career starts at the entry level, where registered nurses enter the field after completing a two-year associate degree or diploma, or after a four-year...

456 words | 2 page(s)

One of the most beneficial organizations for business people to join is the American Management Association, or AMA. The requirements for membership are based on either an organizational membership or an individual membership. Membership is offered to “all business professionals and those preparing to enter the workforce who want to...

324 words | 2 page(s)

This paper is concerned with the book 'Who moved my cheese' by Deepak Malhotra and an interview which was conducted with author in relation to it. It is also concerned with a TED talk given by Larry Smith entitled 'Why you will fail to have a great career.' It describe...

648 words | 3 page(s)

One cannot overstate the importance of a well-established legal infrastructure to the economic and social progress of a society. At the same time, it is also important that everyone’s constitutional rights are protected and no one is denied justice on the basis of factors such as his economic, social, or...

591 words | 2 page(s)

For the provider, the goal of patient care is obviously improving the health and well-being of the patient. It is also to guarantee that the emotional and spiritual needs of the patient, as well as the family, are ensured. However, it is important to recognize that patient care also offers...

736 words | 3 page(s)

For those who study history in college, the legal field is one of the most popular future landing spots. Lawyers enjoy tremendous benefits, including above average compensation, intellectually stimulating work, and in many cases, the garnering of respect from society at large. In order to become a lawyer, though, one...

1072 words | 4 page(s)

In my professional nursing career to date, I have acquired many opportunities that have enhanced my skill set and have provided me with a framework for achieving success and growth. In my current role as a Home Hospice Case Manager, I have been able to expand my knowledge and work...

1045 words | 4 page(s)

There are various factors which enhance job recruitment and career development. One factor may be internal recruitment which motivates employees and inspires them to work harder. This helps create a culture of employee engagement. Similarly, corporate branding can also be used by companies to set themselves apart from the competition...

320 words | 2 page(s)

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